INQUIRY: Inquiry is a very powerful tool for moving us
forward and helping us discover what we care about. At the Indigenous Perspective Inquiry supper
meeting last week, teachers talked about WHY it is important that all of us and
all of our students learn more about Aboriginal culture and perspectives. We talked about the history that we know so
little about, about raising empathetic and knowledgeable students, about giving
our kids “patience and time” in learning (Principles of Learning), and about providing
culturally relevant curriculum that students can connect with. As a group we are moving forward through
questions and discussion, and through supporting each other as we learn more.
VISION SETTING: I have had the chance to work with two
schools this fall as they have looked at their goals and vision for the next 5
years; and then as they have made a plan to bring the vision
alive. When we are given the opportunity
to dream collectively – there is a great deal of positive energy that is
focused on goodness. It tends to bring out HOPE, optimism and a clearer picture
of what we collectively care about.
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